What is more terrifying than your Period?

What could be more terrifying than your time of the month?

Your dog GETTING HER TIME OF THE MONTH just when you're done with yours!!

Yes, I have a puppy - not so puppy anymore... :( 
A poodle to be exact. 

She's black. 

She's a she.
but she behaves like a He.

Naughty and Mischievious!



that is BlueBell
So, last week my not-so-baby-anymore poodle came into heat. Yea, I did some reading on dogs and their period. That is the term they use for dogs- "into heat". My poodle is currently 11 months old. I did not know whether it was too early for her or was it the normal duration.. Anyhow, I knew this day would come 1 day (after my sister in law's dog came into heat 2 months ago). I wasn't too surprised and thank God I knew what to do and how to handle the situation  since I took care of my sister in law's dog when she came into heat.

Read here to know some basic information about dogs going into heat.

Well, this website helped me a lot in knowing the details about my puppy...

For those of you who thinks they know nothing..


11 ways to handle your dog! Recommended for first timers- like me! :)

Oh, another site that helped me a lot was this!

I love watching Cesar's shows! 
I love to see the bonds he has with any dog! It is truly an amazing gift and I am glad that he has put this gift for a good use to help any disturbed dog owners out there! 

Today is Bluebell's 6th day. I hope her period ends soon. I don't like seeing her being all uncomfortable and fussy. Thank God she's eating well. She jumps a lot too.. but around this time, there's more keeping quiet than jumping around. Other times, she doesn't seem to stand still!

Now I know how people around me feel when I'm PMS-ing. 

Sorry for that.

Don't blame me, blame the hormones!

I feel you Bluebell. I blame your hormones too.

I end this post with a cute picture of us.

Bluebell when she's all cheerful and camera friendly!


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